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GOLDEN SPIKE PLAQUES  over the years

In 2014, when we did a Golden Spike event in Clinton in the Old Timer Restaurant, we handed out several awards to people who did extraordinary things to get the trail developed. 


  • Secretary Richard Sullivan, who did a lot internally with the Environmental Affairs agencies to move this project forward.

  • Ed Yaglou, on the original Board of Wachusett Greenways

  • The Fisk Family, who trekked the length of the corridor in the 1980s and wrote an as yet unpublished manuscript about the journey.

  • Bruce Pennino, PE, who donated his professional expertise to renovate several old railroad bridges on this corridor.

  • An award to the family of the late Danny O'Brien of DCR. Danny did a lot to get the trail onto the radar screen of the State Parks agency and he designed and planned the Norwottuck section of the MCRT. 

In 2018, when we did a Golden Spike event in Northampton at Union Station we continued that tradition and  passed out Golden Spike awards to more people who did extraordinary things to get the trail developed. 


  • Governor Charlie Baker

  • Lt Governor Karyn Polito

  • Wayne Feiden, Director of Planning & Sustainability at the City of Northampton

  • Colleen Abrams, President of Wachusetts Greenways

  • Kurt Gaertner, Asst. Sec. for Environmental Policy at MA Exec. Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs 

  • Dr. Richard Williamson, Sudbury

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